August 2, 2012


I normally don't make posts like this, but I felt I had to after seeing so much stuff on the internet and social media regarding Chick-a-Fil-A.

Perhaps a week or two ago, Chick-a-Fil-A's CEO came out again and made a statement, saying that his company opposes homosexual marriage in this country because of their strong Christian values. In response, activist LGBT groups called the message hateful and discriminatory, saying that people should not do business with the company because of their intolerant opinion.

In response, an entire wave of hardcore Christians, Evangelicals and fundamentalists began pushing back, making statements which compunded the restaurant's original statement and brought forth the issue of discrimination against minorities once again.

This is a religious issue as much as it is a discrimination one, which is why I am usually not inclined to post opinions here. We need to clarify a few things, because people I know have been saying that they support Chick-A-Fil-A's message, and that they are not being discriminatory or hateful. We need to define these terms.

Discrimination, via Wikipedia, is a prejudicial treatment [a view or action] [preconceived notions that may or may not lead to action] treatment of an individual or group of individuals based on his or her membership or perceived membership in a group.

Prejudice are preconceived [notions; opinions formed beforehand without adequate evidence] judgments towards people based on gender, social class, disability, religion, sexuality, race, or nationality. Prejudice may also include unfounded beliefs which may be "an unreasonable attitude that is resistant to rational influence" [bigotry].

Ignorance is a lack of information.

Ignoramus is a type of ignorance where a person is willfully ignorant, either to narrow their minds off from reality or because of wishful thinking.

Phobias are negative attitudes and feelings towards something. Homophobia are negative attitudes towards homosexuals, usually LGBT. Homophobia includes all orsome of the following: contempt [disgust and anger], prejudice, aversion [dislike], irrational fears and hate.

Reverse Discrimination is prejudicial treatment in the opposite direction, usually in response to being discriminated.

Bigotry is a passionate and obstinate belief of one's prejudices, rejecting evidence to the contrary.

Religious Intolerance is the belief that a sacred text or statement made by one is the one "right" and true way, and that all other ways are wrong and should be held in contempt.


1) Is it wrong to say that homosexuals shouldn't marry in the United States?
That is a rhetorical question that can be twisted in either sides favor. In my opinion, based on rational inquiry, it is wrong to deny someone rights based on their sexuality.

2) Is it discrimination to say that homosexuality is wrong?
Yes, it can be seen as discrimination or condoning of discrimination. That statement is a prejudice that is bigoted. It is also considered religious intolerance.

3) Is it morally wrong to say that homosexuality is wrong?
Yes. It is religious intolerance and bigotry. This is another debatable question that I refer back to the rational inquiry on reasonable equality.

4) Is supporting Chick-A-Fil-A's statement stating that I too, hold that statement to be right?

5) Is supporting Chick-A-Fil-A's statement stating that I am discriminating against LGBT?
If you believe that LGBT do not deserve equality based on their sexual orientation then yes, it is discrimination. Discrimination, by definition is a prejudiced view or action.

6) Why are Christians and Abrahamic Religions so adamant about not letting Gay people marry?
In their holy book, the Bible, their god Yahweh states that homosexuality is a grave sin, is vile, disgusting, and will invoke his retribution. Because of this, Christians fear retribution for allowing something God "detests", and may eventually move on to detest it as well, as with Evangelicalism. Apologists [theologians who attempt to marry common sense with religion] indicate that homosexuality is "against" the "natural order" of things. Because followers of the book believe it is the infallible word of Yahweh, they must believe it to be truly right- a form of religious intolerance.

7) Why do these Abrahamic Religions hold so much power in this country to deny people their rights?
They are the majority, and most people in this country hold some kind of Abrahamic religion. Since Ronald Reagans presidency in the 1980s, Evangelicalism, sometimes in a radical form, known as dominionism, have sought to instill biblical policies into secular government, effectively making all people follow "the law".

8) If I do business with Chick-A-Fil-A, does that mean I support what they stand for?
Not necessarily. Some may be apathetic and choose not to care, or get involved. Some may choose to support them based on their mission statement, and others will protest the intolerance by not eating there. It is incorrect, and ignoramus, to assume that someone who does business with Chick-A-Fil-A supports their message.

9) Should I eat there?
Do what you want. It's a free country. Stop being told what to do and think for yourself.

10) Are the LGBT community using reverse discrimination?
Again, return to the definition of discrimination. This side of the debate has used the argument that it is reasonable to allow rights for a minority so that equality is achieved. This is reasonable, researched, and not discrimination.

11) Are people prejudiced if they hate the Christians who are supressing equality?
Not necessarily. One can dislike or hold a group in contempt based on that group's irrational or unfair beliefs, and/or if they create strife [conflict].

12) What is the better argument here?
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder so to speak, but in general, it is morally wrong [some will debate morality's crediblity towards a deity, but it is possible to be moral without believing in one] to deny someone equal rights based on their beliefs or sexual orientation.

13) How can they get away with their ignoramus?
It is a free country, and a person (or group) has the right to be bigoted, hateful or prejudiced, but does not have the right to deny equality based on those beliefs and actions.

14) What about the cities telling Chick-a-Fil-A not to move there because of their message?
Denying a group zoning rights based on religion, beliefs or stances is illegal, criminal, and subject to litigation.

15) All I said was I believe it was "wrong"!
"Wrong", according to Yahweh, is a blanket term for "disgusting, anger, revolting, and evil".

16) Are all Christians bigoted and discriminatory like this?
No. There are individuals who practice Christianity that go against the taught intolerant message, advocating equality and "loving thy neighbor as thyself", which to some Evangelicals, means "love thy Christian and Jewish neighbor as thyself". It is unfair to blanket all Christians as bigots. It is fair to claim that the professed scripture bigoted and grossly intolerant.

17) Are YOU gay?
No. I am straight, and I like women. That question is besides the point.

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