October 16, 2008

Whats Your Opinion On the App Killer?

Apple admitted to an application killer in their Iphones and even worse, on a similar note, Sony will not admit to a kill switch in their devices as many of their devices failed unexpectedly around the world all on the same day. Android, backed up by Google, now admits that they have app killers. What is your opinion on App Killers?

For me, it depends on what the application is and what the terms in the agreement were on. If I paid for a service that will last 30 days, say access to a music store to download free music, then I expect in 30 days for the music store to be disabled, but NOT my music files to be disabled. This is why we must read the user liscense agreement to see what the terms of service entail- however if companies are being quiet about terms that are happening that are not agreed upon then I would have a beef. From Gizmodo.com.

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