October 17, 2008

Tech Evolving at a Fast Pace

\Aside from the obvious, technology has come a long way in the past decade. This is a nostaligic post so here we go....

10 years ago I had my red Game Boy Pocket. If I wanted to use a computer we had to use the family computer, which had a 20GB hard drive (I think?) and 256MB of ram or less. We used Discs but Floppy Disks were still common place. I didn't have a cell phone either- those were cumbersome (big) and expensive. If we wanted directions we consulted a map or asked locals. Email was in its infancy.

Today is so much different. I have a Nintendo DS that plays 3d games, My computer runs a 160GB Hard Drive, on top of that I have an external hard drive that can connect to any machine. I am running 2GB of ram. I use my hard drive more often then discs, and my flash drives just went extinct. I now have my own cell phone and I can text message for free- sometimes this is very convinient. I don't have a GPS- but the family does. Like the family computer of old- someday GPS units will be so cheap it's insane. I use email daily.

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