April 23, 2010

WOW.com's Discussion on Alchemy and Gold Making

Link to Wow.com

WOW.com recently came out with an article on alchemy as a gold maker. It was a great article- and they specified one piece of information I knew all along; I just couldn't see it. There is a reason that I make most of my profits on Tuesdays... that's because cooldowns are up for raiding!

I sell things like flask and flask materials, but right now that is a rough market. Sellers are constantly undercutting each other and taking the market share. What's worse is that people simply don't want to buy these flasks off the AH- They will buy the materials to make the flasks, then take them to a Flask Master who can proc extra flasks.

This is good news to people like me (I am an herbalist). People will want to buy herbs to get their flasks, and only the most extreme players will go farm the mats themselves (and then not have their own alchemist make flasks). Those flasks are expensive; on Azshara Flask of Endless rage is around 20g a pop and Flask of the Frost Wyrm is around 17g a pop.

Sellers can also drive down prices by selling their proc'd flasks, but dropping the price a little below what they would have made normally, making their listings a bit cheaper. The only way to really compete in the flask market is to learn the mastery skill. As for the potion market? Well, I have that one covered for Ashzara!

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