April 23, 2007

BB-39 Waterline Finished, Superstructure mostly complete

Afraid I may have had seepage due to bad masking, but Ill check within a half hour to see if there is any damage to the hull, and if so I will cry and redo the hull color. I put together Observation Deck A and it went together with no fight. The bridge though, I had to fight to get to cement properly. Used a few clothespins as clamps and thats the end of it (Ill check on them tomorrow). I have some spare blue left over, but I am debating on what to paint the area where the boats will sit. I want to paint it the deck color to make it look really nice, but then it clashes with the hull color of the boats and rafts. I have a royal blue spray, so I may just go for historical realism here and paint the uppermost deck blue. The observation decks will be white, and I will make sure to have the smokestack painted appropriatly. Not much in terms of pictures this time, but I will have some stuff later on (sharpie for the deck chains! woo!)

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