August 1, 2012

1/144 Zaku Sniper Progress

Size comparison to a stick of deoderant. 1/144 kits are typically about the size of a pack of cigarettes. Don't smoke.

It took about 3 hours of work assembling the model. It is something I normally don't do- but in order to see where the seam lines are, I went ahead and assembled the kit. The trick is to cut the pegs at an angle so that the parts can be easily separated later.

I think I will attack this by painting the black parts gunmetal, then build around them and mask them to paint the major colors. For a 2012 kit there are some seam lines, but they are somewhere between minimal and moderate.

This guy is going to be a "really quick" model compared to a Master Grade, but I am going to take my time on this because the scale is a little bit more of a challenge compared to 1/100 MG. Compared to another non-Gundam static model, the work is a breeze.

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