July 4, 2011

Why I no longer watch the news

National headline news, that is. Local stations still have some credit for reporting on stories that have some merit and credibility to inform the citizenry.

I am going to make every attempt to not become political in this post. If I say the words "Fox News", you know what I am referring to. Sensationalism, according to wikipedia:

"is a type of editorial bias in mass media in which events and topics are overhyped; and reported to increase viewership. Sensational topics do not concern the citizenry as a whole, and are insignificant to the masses."

I will give some examples of proper journalism, and poor journalism.

1) Rod Blagoyevich (spelling?)- The coverage of the Rod Blago trial concerned the welfare of the United States and its message to stamp out corruption in government. Discussion relating to "corruption in government" would have been appropriate for sideline talk shows, but not headline news. Whether the media portrayed the story one way or the other- this matter concerned the people of Illinois, and the rest of the United States.

2) Obama Troop Pullouts- This coverage concerns the nation in a state of war- and the affect it could have on troops (loved ones) coming home. This news is significant. Like the Rod Blago trial coverage, unbiased viewpoints can be presented in the newscast and be called fair.

3) Casey Anthony Trial- This coverage concerns the private matter between the state of Florida and a mom who allegedly killed her child. In the context of informing the citizenry of important matters, this coverage is inappropriate and insignificant. It is tabloid news, and is poor journalism.

4) The Royal Wedding- This coverage is borderline important. A note of the story is fine, but the story received tabloid like attention in mass media outlets, making it inappropriate talk for major broadcasts. Sideline talk shows would have been more appropriate.

It's fairly obvious why sensationalism works- more viewers equals more money from ads. Because the media is so hungry to gain a story, they will report on stories which are false, and sometimes, planted by Anonymous. The media is more concerned about making money than delivering unbiased news- that is the way it works.

Fox News, ABC News, HLN, and CNN are all guilty of this. Some more so than others. Local news stations are still guilty of localized sensationalism, but often broadcast meaningful community happenings.

On that note, I have never had a problem with Reuters. At the present time, the Casey Anthony trial isn't even listed here.

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