July 6, 2011

Here's Part of the Problem!

Not my ship- but a fine one indeed!

I did some searching (around 20 minutes worth) on any material related to model RC boats. I got some "maiden voyage" videos. Apart from that, nothing else. No diagrams, no how-to's, not ever a damn article. It seems like a lost art, but I did know what I was doing at one point. I cannot locate anything that would help a model enthusiast convert a static plastic model kit into an RC ship. It's annoying.

So what am I going to do about it? I am going to do some tutorials, of course! I need a cheap 1/350 kit though... and currently I don't have the money, or the manpower- to work on such a massive project. Mind you, my 1/350 USS Missouri took months to complete. Sounds like the next best thing is to get the Yamato sea ready again by gutting the RC control unit and putting in another- I have no clue what frequency it is running on.

There are ponds and lakes around my house- and one is perfect for model ship sailing. I am a mechanical engineer with some electrical and electronics experience, so I'll make it happen. Question is: how do I make the thing water tight... That is where we open the Yamato.

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