July 8, 2011

RX-78-G05 Wrap Up

It may not be proper to call it a wrap up, but it [the kit] is definitely coming down the home stretch. I've decided to speed things up and just paint everything detached from the trees. This is a more advanced technique, and I don't recommend doing it if you have a lot of pieces that look like each other, but fit in some way into different parts, or if your memory is bad. I've studied the instructions long enough to understand where every part fits together.

To my right sits a styro-foam block that has all the pieces sticking out of them on toothpicks. This is an easy way Gundam modelers in Japan dry their parts- and I can see why they do it. This is a handy technique not just for Gundams, but for models in general. Each part will be sprayed and then [the toothpick] set into the styro-foam until the part is dry. If it passes examination, it will move on to final assembly. Currently, the following items will be complete after painting:

Shoulder Mounts
Gatling Cannon

and the following will need to be completed:

gatling cannon hookup unit

I would say realistically, if I get the parts into paint tonight, the model will be complete within the next three days.

Layout out a lot of the parts here, prior to painting. They need to be sanded and cleaned up. This took a while to do (properly). TV helped- despite not looking at the screen!

working on the panel lines of the rear "wings". Just call them stabilizers. They had a seam line that needed to go.

This is a neat technique I discovered by accident. Light sanding after painting can produce a weathered effect- as if snow was accumulating on the suit. This can also portray wear, rust, and paint chipping on a used and weathered suit.

A shoddy picture of the backpack unit. All the colors are practically the same-so I will spray it as one unit. After painting and visual inspection, we will finish it up with red and yellow parts that have yet to be attached.

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