December 9, 2011

More Bull from Major Gaming Corporations

Game producers Electronic Arts, and console giants Microsoft and Sony have begun adding new lines to their TOS agreements with customers:

"You can use our software/hardware if, and only if, you agree not to sue us if something bricks or goes wrong and it is clearly our fault."

It is the largest showing of irresponsibility in a long time by multiple game manufacturers. In response to the massive PSN hacker attacks, part of Sony's defense is to make sure you stay out of the court room when someone steals your credit card information. It seems simple- don't play PSN if you want your information secure, right? wrong- this is just another excuse for game companies to take a dump on you and abdicate their responsibilities to protect your warranty or personal information.

Legal experts say that the measures have little chance of holding up in court. As a response to the RRoD issues, Microsoft has enacted these measures to prevent further class action lawsuits. Electronic Arts... well they were douche bags to begin with.

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