November 7, 2011

Competition Spreading a New Type of Gamer: the Antisocial One

We were all pretty excited when video games became mainstream at the dawn of the previous generation. Now gamers are a dime a dozen- everyone has some sort of console out there. Since the beginning of games such as Counterstrike and World of Warcraft, multiplayer games took on a new face.

In the old days, multiplayer gaming was all about getting together with friends and playing on a split screen map. With the advent of internet 2.0 and internet connectivity in game consoles, multiplayer changed again to a new, more "impersonal" experience. Clans began to form (now "cliques") on message boards- and soon rolled in the elitists. If you are not good enough, you are "not" in the "group". Either you are treated as third rate; or are regarded as not being worthy of the dirt you stand on.

In games such as World of Warcraft, developers hoped the system would group people up and make new social experiences. Now, people can group up and not say a word. Games are beginning to develop sub-cultures that cater to the elite and shun everyone else. It is turning people antisocial and rude. Not to mention the one tracked minds:

"MW3 is the best game ever made, and if you disagree with me you can stick it".

It gives Type A personalities the "competition" they crave, and many want to turn games such as MW3 into an official "sport". While I am sure there are those out there who want to play the game for a fun experience- they are not in the dime a dozen package- they are becoming increasingly rare.

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