November 6, 2010

Speculating the Future of the WOW TCG

Speculation (This card speculates things that may not necessarily be true in the future.)

Looking at WOW TCG's facebook page, we get a timeline of products coming out for the game. Let's have a gander, shall we?

World Breaker- December 2010
War of the Elements- March 2011
Twilight of the Dragons- July 2011

and of course: ICC Raid deck/treasure packs- February 2011

Let's speculate some possibilities, because it's always fun to twiddle our thumbs and chat. We've known about worldbreaker for some time- it is the set coenciding with the release of World of Warcraft's third expansion: Cataclysm. In the story, Deathwing (Onyxia's Father) begins lighting Azeroth ablaze, forever changing the landscape. That's all I know at this point- and that this expansion pack for the PC game is receiving modest amounts of hype, but a lot of excitement after the OP cinematic was released. You can watch it above.

Worldbreaker will probably feature cards relating to expansion content. As for war of the elements, go figure on that, and Twilight of the Dragons will probably have something to do with the dragonflight. What about ICC, now?

My friends tell me the ICC raid deck will be impossible or next to impossible to defeat. With bosses like Saurfang and Putricide, not to mention the Lich King himself, I hear the horror stories of the last stronghold of the scourge. We will see how tough this raid deck will be. Kel'thuzad from Naxxramas had 33 health, and his master hero card did as well. Since LK's master hero card has 40 health, I assume the Lich King has 40 health. Far from weak, the Lich King's abilities may make some people leave the table pissed.

Time will tell!

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