November 23, 2010

Commentary: North Korea Shells South Korea


Tuesday Morning

One thing I don't understand is this- the UNSC (United Nations Security Council) will condemn the recent strikes, but can't do anything because the seat in power is China, and they will veto any additional sanctions. South Korea will play down the situation, not having any backbone. Why does Asia not have a backbone? conflict prevention, perhaps. If my nation was attacked, and its sovereignty put at risk, and innocent lives put in danger, I would retaliate. Maybe it is too early to call them spineless, because the situation is still in progress. The president of the United States says it is committed to defending South Korea if necessary.

It could be that countries are attempting to avoid unnecessary slaughter. But at what cost? How far can the North isolate itself? One thing is for sure, the "new glorious leader" is a brat, and is more insane than his relatives. If the South is trying to prevent war to save lives, then I may have to give them more credit than I have- war is always an option, but is it the right answer? in the case of nuclear weapons fragging, probably. In this case, the South may be showing strength by not giving in to provocative gestures- and attacks.

Regardless, if the military isn't already on the border- I would start moving some of it there, and conduct patrols near the border. Artillery, SAM and ZSU sites need to be found, monitored, and destroyed (if they activate) in the event Pyongyang pulls another stunt.

As misguided as the United States is, be happy that you live in a free country. Know that some of the rest of the world wants us to fail, and wants us dead.


Early Tuesday Morning

So... we knew they were going to do something eventually, I just didn't expect it to turn out this way. News reports are coming in from Reuters and other sourcers that North Korea has fired artillery shells at South Korean villages, causing multiple fires and carnage. Their "new leader" has made his final provacative statement: F*** all of you. With this attack and a resurgence of uranium enrichment, it seems like North Korea has finally lost its last marble.

If a war breaks out (again), I expect NATO to be in the region. We currently have 30,000 troops stationed in South Korea, and it looks like they will be on full alert as this crisis progresses.

On a final note, HOW DARE, how DARE they shell innocent civilians? No. You're not playing by Geneva, and you are glouting and showing it. I hope the entire military infrastructure and government in that country is leveled, so people can start their lives over. It goes to show you how much regard they have for human life.


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