September 18, 2010

World of Warcraft TCG Class Starter Decks

World of Warcraft TCG Class Starter Decks

(Note- at the time I wrote this post, I had Verizon. I now no longer have them, because someone in my household was smart enough after 6 WEEKS to cancel them.)

My internet is down for the 6th week in a row- so I am going to write this one up in word until I can somehow get back online to make a post. I received a couple of class starter decks for the WOW TCG, and in case you were wondering, “what’s inside?”

The box is simple; 3in by 6in by 1in. On it will be your class and faction. When you open the box, you will be greeted with a quick start rule book, and what seems to be three packs of cards. One pack contains all the quests, abilities and equipment for your deck of choice. It will also contain your hero, and an alternate faction hero, should you decide to switch to the other faction. The second pack is your ally pool. You will mix these two packs together to form your deck (don’t shuffle in any heroes!). The third pack is a teaser for the Archives set, a parallel-foil set that contains foil versions of older (but still damn good) cards. It’s an anthology set, so to speak.
Want to raid with us? Want to play the wow tcg, but enter and not have to spend much money to do so? The class decks retail for $9.99. Find out what you want to play, what faction, and go buy it  Oh, you are also given a chance to pull a previous loot from any previous set, including the spectral tiger. For the deck I received, you may not receive the exact same thing- which is the beauty of the system.

Paladin (Horde)

Vindicative Strike Ability
Vindicative Strike Ability
Vindicative Strike Ability
Righteous Vengeance Ability
Righteous Vengeance Ability
Holy Light Ability
Holy Light Ability
Hammer of Justice Ability
Hammer of Justice Ability
Hammer of Justice Ability
Consecration Ability
Cleanse Ability
Blessing of Wisdom Ability
Blessing of Protection Ability
Blessing of Protection Ability
Blessing of Protection Ability
Karkas Deathhowl Ally
Sylvanas, Lady of Undercity Ally
Waz'luk Ally
Araelun Ally
Moko Hunts-at-Dawn Ally
Sister Rot Ally
Skronk Skullseeker Ally
Kagra of the Crossroads Ally
Kelvor Valorshine Ally
Bloodblade Ally
Drusenna the Viligant Ally
Bloodsoul Ally
Alecia Hall Ally
Sylvanas, Lady of Undercity Ally
Taz'dingo Ally
Ra'za Wildstorm Ally
Zari'zari Ally
Captain Swash Ally
Vanda Skydaughter Ally
Huro'shal Gutwrench Ally
Zi'mo Ally
Dawn Ravensdale Ally
Scimitar of the Nexus Stalkers Equip
Scimitar of the Nexus Stalkers Equip
Fel Iron Hatchet Equip
Fel Iron Hatchet Equip
Draconian Deflector Equip
Draconian Deflector Equip
Hekto Starspire Hero
Your Fortune Awaits You Quest
Your Fortune Awaits You Quest
Your Fortune Awaits You Quest
Gahz'ridian Quest
Gahz'ridian Quest
The Fel and the Furious Quest
The Fel and the Furious Quest
The Fel and the Furious Quest
Journey to the Crossroads Quest
The Defense of Grom'gol Quest
Message to Freewind Post Quest
Journey to the Crossroads Quest
The Defense of Grom'gol Quest
Message to Freewind Post Quest
Journey to the Crossroads Quest


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