About a year ago I began looking at the chronology of the
Zelda games after Nintendo released their book “Hyrule Historia” in Japan for
Zelda’s 25th anniversary. I want to pick this up again and just
start at the beginning. Dark Horse comics got the rights to publish the book
here in the USA, so I picked up my copy because I am an absolute Zelda nerd. Here is the way to read this guide:
References to sources end with a parenthesis in the paragraph, referencing to a foot note with the source.
Text in red is pure conjecture.
Anything not cited comes directly from the Zelda games themselves, unless otherwise stated within the sentence or paragraph.

When the goddesses departed the world that they made, the
impact point of departure left behind the sacred Triforce. Because it was left
behind by the gods, the Triforce became a source of spiritual guidance for the
world. The artifact itself is a living, animate object: but it has no sense of
morality or ethics. Any person, good or evil that has the forces of power,
wisdom and courage in balance can make a wish on the artifact, and that wish
will become true if the forces are in balance.
If those forces are not in
balance, the triforce will split into three pieces; and the hopeful wisher is
left with the triforce piece that is the strongest. The other two pieces then
reside in those “chosen by destiny” (1). Hyrule Historia is contradictory in
its explanation: for one part says Hylia decides who gets the Triforce pieces,
and another portion, including game references say that destiny chooses.
Perhaps Hylia is the one who guides this destiny (1).
Sometime before their departure, the goddesses created a sub-goddess
named Hylia. She was given the task of protecting the triforce and ensuring
that only those most worthy could access the sacred triangles. The pieces have
a peculiar rule about them: no deity at the level of a god, including Hylia-
can use the artifact, meaning that the gods of old and any additional gods are
demonstrated to be impotent to a degree. No one knows why the goddesses left
behind the Triforce (1). Hylia’s realm, the Sacred Realm as it will eventually
be called, becomes the final resting place of the Triforce.
Many forms of life began to walk the earth: from humanoids
to monsters and demons. The epitome of all evil, Demise, sought the power of
the sacred triangles and began ravaging the Earth with his hoards of demons. A
whole bunch of people and other humanoids were slain in the conflict that
Demise started: a level of destruction that has not been seen since.
To save the remaining humans on the Earth, Hylia sent a
large chunk of land (with other chunks) skyward along with the Triforce so that
Demise could not reach it. Before sending the land upwards, Hylia created the
Goddess Sword and enshrined it within a pedestal for her chosen hero. At this
time, Fi, the sword’s spirit was created. She would search for the hero of
destiny and call to him. This hero would carry out Hylia's will and attempt to put
an end to Demise, who is the embodiment of all evil. Hylia created a barrier
between the Earth and the Sky so that nothing could go between the two places.
In a show of force that would prove that the gods many not
be immortal either- Hylia banded together with the remaining humanoids on the
planet to defeat the hordes of demons and seal Demise within a sort of prison. The
power of a god, or at least a sub-god seems limited because Demise was powerful
enough to weaken Hylia. To be able to use the triforce to defeat Demise, Hylia
sacrificed her divinity to be reborn as a mortal so that she could use the
golden triangles. The Sheikah tribe became the guardians of Hylia’s
reincarnation, and were given the duty to watch Demise’s seal.
3000-4000 years later Many eras
later, Hylia’s reincarnation was born in Skyloft to an unknown mother and
Gaepora of Skyloft. She would be named Zelda. Hyrule Historia claims that Hylia
sent the Loftwings up to Skyloft to be used by humans (1). Hyrule Historia is
also vague in saying ‘a few thousand years’ passes between Hylia’s sacrifice
and the birth of the very first Zelda (1). Hylia’s deeds became legend, and were
all but forgotten by the people living in the paradise of Skyloft (1).
The demon lord Ghirahim, who served Demise- scoured the
surface for the goddess after Demise felt her presence when Zelda was born (1). Ghirahim rose demon hordes under his banner and once again began to terrorize the
surface. Eventually he found Zelda- not only was the seal on Demise weakening
but the barrier between the sky and the earth was weakening as well. Ghirahim
was able to penetrate the barrier with a tornado and pass Zelda through this
barrier to the surface. By capturing her, he could use the power of the
goddess Hylia to resurrect Demise.

Ghirahim attempted to capture Zelda, but was foiled multiple times by Impa and
Link. To prepare Link for his destiny, Fi instructed the hero that
he must search for Zelda. During his journey Link was given the Goddess Harp so
that he could empower the Goddess Sword with three sacred flames, which, when
blessed by the Goddess would turn the sword into the Master Sword. After Zelda
gives Link the Goddess Harp, she makes her escape with past Impa to an ancient
time thousands of years in the past, right after Hylia sacrificed herself and
sealed Demise.
When the Gate of Time became functional again in the Sealed
Grounds, Link traveled to the past to talk to Zelda. She told him that she would
stay in the past, sealed and sleeping for thousands of years in order to keep a
lid on Demise’s weak seal. This is how the seal managed to hold for all of that
Link returned to the future with the Master Sword and opens
the way to the Triforce with the Ballad of the Goddess and a gem earned from
the trials pre-ordained for him by the Goddess. Link entered Sky Keep and was
found worthy, through trials in the sacred realm to wish upon the Triforce. One
by one he gathered the pieces of the triforce in the Sacred Realm. Link made a
wish on the Triforce and wished for the Goddess statue to return to its
rightful and original place (1). The Triforce glowed and accepted his wish.
The Isle of the Goddess fell completely off from Skyloft (with the Triforce) and
made a B-line towards the Sealed Grounds. Just as the Imprisoned pops out of the
seal for a final time, the entire Sky Keep comes crashing down on its head-
filling the gaping hole in front of the Sealed Grounds and re-completing the
temple of Hylia proper.
Demise was dead in this time, but he was still alive in the
past and the Gate of Time was active. Ghirahim captured Zelda and took her back
to the past. He attempted to slow Link down as much as possible while he
syphoned the power of the Goddess to resurrect Demise. After losing in a battle
to Link, Ghirahim was successful and was absorbed back into his original form-
Demise’s weapon. Demise had been resurrected, but Zelda was still alive.
Demise ripped open a portal to another realm and challenged Link to a fight
to the death, instead of outright killing him on the spot. Link accepted, and with the Master Sword managed to defeat Demise and seal him within the Master Sword. The demons of the surface
retreated, but not before Demise swore that his hatred, once fully gone would
be reborn in a never-ending cycle (1).
Link, Zelda and the inhabitants of Skyloft all descended to
the peaceful surface, where the Kingdom of Hyrule was established by Zelda’s
descendants. Zelda had the power of the goddess, but with each successive generation, descendants of Zelda had less and less magical powers inherited from their ancestor. They became known as the Hylians. At the end of the Skyward Sword video game, the Triforce is seen assembled at the statue of the Goddess.
(1) Hyrule Historia. Nintendo. Dark Horse Comics (c) 2013
Updated 6/22/2013 to fix grammatical errors and highlight one portion that ends up being conjecture.
(1) Hyrule Historia. Nintendo. Dark Horse Comics (c) 2013
Updated 6/22/2013 to fix grammatical errors and highlight one portion that ends up being conjecture.
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