April 20, 2009

Study says 3 Million Kids Addicted to Video Games

Horse crap.

I am all for getting the 12 year olds off of Xbox Live or Vent, but I find that the claim that 3 million children in the USA are addicted to games is baseless. It is expected by this study that addicted children will perform less well in school, lie, cheat, become thieves and disrespect their parents.

I played video games a lot too- and I was respectful to other people, I performed a 3.4 GPA in high school and I have never gotten in trouble with the law. Of course you can't speak for every kid, but I find that there is a bias behind the study because doctors recommend "quality programming". As I indulged in the things I liked to do- they would be taken away from me because I wasn't "participating in the family unit". I was forced to do things I didn't want to do or forced to go to places I didn't want to go to.

Why is it a bad thing if I don't want to spend time with my family? Authoratarionism sparks rebellion. If kids are going to rot their brains playing games 24/7, let them suffer the consequences, I'd say. Some experts are not convinced by the study, and I agree with them. Video games can be a place to remove your daily stresses and in some genres interact with other people socially. Parents should think twice before pulling the plug.

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