April 12, 2009

Higurashi Rei- Funny Arcs!

A friend got me back into Higurashi Rei and I thought the first episode with the magic swim trunks was hillarious. The creators really indulged in our creative minds here as Takano was more revealing, they preyed on the idea that Ooishi, Jiro and the doctor all had their interests, and then you hear Rika outrageously offering cream puffs to Hanyuu in return for capturing Keiichi and his magical trousers, with Rena chanting "I want to take Keiichi and his little bro home!".

Tangents often go off on funny curves, and I enjoyed the artwork on this one. The character art has improved, and that was the first thing that struck me- the art just pops out at you, while retaining some of the old Higurashi style. In the end, it was Keiichi who had to wear the swan suit at the end. Hillarious and worth checking out!

1 comment:

Phillip said...

Oh wow, who might that be? Then again, gotta admit, it was a funny episode.