February 17, 2009

Why Social Networking Sites are a Bad Idea

This is exactly why I never got into Myspace or Facebook. Any information you post is public information- you at that party drunk, or your friend smoking weed in his profile picture. Now social networking sites such as Facebook are claiming that they own your posted information, that they can do anything they want with it, without ramifications.

The changes came about when they edited their terms of service. In the terms, it states that they can change the TOS without notification to users at anytime. This immediatly is a red flag to me- and one that I took into account before making the decision to create a Myspace account or a Facebook.

In making the decision to post a blog, I decided that I would keep some information private, and I made sure that anything I did not want to say was not said on this blog. For example, although I sometimes post about my personal life, you are never getting any deeper than items such as "getting out of a stressful funk" or "I wish I had time for more fun". People must understand the consequences of their actions and logically make an informed decision when it comes to social networking sites. In english, it's your own damn fault for being stupid and not reading the terms of service.

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