January 17, 2009

Surgical Striking

A term used by many military leaders and presidents alike, many do not understand the meaning of the term "surgical striking", but will understand a bit as to what surgical precision is.

Surgical Precision Striking became a coined term when the F-117A Nighthawk was used in Gulf War I. The Nighthawk featured a radical profile and design and also contained a radar absorbent coating of material which made it invisible to radar. The Nighthawk carried a small payload (4000lbs of munitions?) but was able to penetrate enemy air space and drop a bomb right where it was needed.

About the F-117 Nighthawk
Code named Half Blue during development, the F-117A Nighthawk is considered one of the best fighter designs ever created. It uses the idea of the flying wing design and features computers that allow the aircraft to fly- without these computers the aircraft could never fly. Painted black for obvious reasons, every feature of the Nighthawk was designed to reflect radar rays for the aircraft to remain visible. The Nighthawk is able to drop precision munitions on targets with ease and escape in time.

About JDAM Technology
JDAM stands for Joint-Direct-Air-Munition. JDAM is not a weapon, but an add on to all of the old bombs that we can't use anymore. One can think of it as a kit- for $20,000USD or so (check my statement there) a bomb can become a JDAM. JDAMS use GPS technology to hit within approximatly 5 feet of their target (someone check me there). Further developments combined "bunker busters" and JDAMS together, forming what is known as the smart bomb. JDAMS have been hooked onto smaller bombs as to control collateral damage- if you want to take out the building or bunker inside, but leave the city block intact- JDAM can do the job.

About UAV Technology and the Gaza Incident
So why the heck did I post something like this? Israel at the moment will announce a ceasefire to the Gaza assault, yet they claimed that they would not stop and neither would Hamas unless both met very strict terms. Israel changed their mind- and there is a very good reason for doing so that they are not telling.

UAVs (unmanned aerial vehicle) are the best reconissance vehicles in the world- for months they have been taking out terrorists hiding in Pakistan (American UAVs) and twice they had Osama bin Laden in the cross hairs. With GPS tracking and computers on board, there is no pilot necessary in the cockpit. A UAV can be flying in Iraq and the pilot flying it is sitting in an office building in San Diego.

Israel cited no ceasefire unless the rockets stopped. There is no magical laser that will get rid of these rockets, and Israel announced "surgical precision" against the source of rocket attacks. I'm not sure what the goal was of going into Gaza other than weakening Hamas slightly, other than their sources are more hard pressed to provide supplies to the frontline Hamas terrorists firing rockets. Israel knows more than it is letting on- in fact every country does. It should never be public information for the security of the people- people need to be focused on living their lives and not worrying about Achmed coming over from half way around the world and slicing their head off.

Israel knows the approximate location of the sources of the rocket fire because (Katyusha?) the rockets have a known range and it can be predicted where the rockets are coming from. Send a UAV out there, possibly with a hellfire and if you spot terrorists, do away with them. It is classified information as to whether or not Israel has access to UAV technology, and it can be speculated that the United States is providing technological assistance to the Israelis in this matter, however as classified information it will never be known, only speculated on.

A Note on Terrorism
As long as someone doesn't like another person for their beliefs, existance, culture or life, and they are willing to act violently like primitive apes, there will always be terrorism. If there is a radical religion aiming to ethnically cleanse and remove people from the Earth, there will be terrorism.

Terrorism will never go away. The entire world needs to pull their heads out of their ***** and they need to STOP PRETENDING THAT TERRORISTS ARE NOT THERE. As the world moves on in this new decade, we must realize that each government will need to dedicate resources to fighting terrorism, and that each nation must understand that freedom can only go so far to protect our lives. To go off on a slight tangent, the government does not care how good John was in bed last night or how you smoke pot and hold a ring of sales in Los Angeles- the US government will care if you are amassing weapons piles and discussing attacking a US military base within our borders.

Terrorists will use any means necessary to stop moden civilization and establish a rule of facism and anarchy. They kill people blindly or target certain religious groups. What monkeys don't understand is that not every American likes its government, but if you are an American, you need to be wiped off the Earth. Israel will use UAV technology and other means of tracking and precision to ensure the safety of its nation and its people. Terrorism will be a centuries or 10 battle. There are thousands of active terrorist organizaions existent in this world, and let it be known that they will not win.

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