October 22, 2007

College Prices Skyrocketing

I was just at a SGA meeting (Student Government Association) for Penn State Berks. They finished talking about higher college costs. With Penn State being the most expensive public college in the nation, most of the blame can be put on the government that is cutting relief to a higher education from 6% to nearly nothing, 1.5%. Our grants have been cut too: the college of engineering is not getting what it needs as technology progresses.

BP (Better Petroleum) will be donating solar panels to us (Berks Campus) so we can solar power some of our buildings, saving us on our electric bill (thanks BP). Tuition for myself ranges about $8000 a semester- that is a lot to take out and pay back. Many sources claim that the average student grant is around $3000, but this is simply not true. I got ZERO from the government, zilch, natta, nothing. If the average cost is around $11,000 a year for state/public colleges, I am paying $18,000 for Penn State. It is really a good education: I have no problem with paying back that money when I begin my career but I have a couple of issues regarding the situation.

The government is really putting the pressure on us, the kids. There is immense pressure on the parents as well: but really the real pressure is focused on us. We pay a lot of money to get into college, and if something doesn't work out that is putting a lot of burden on parents and students. If college costs are rising, I expect an increase in quality too. Everything should work properly and I should have few problems. While I got lucky, many of the other students here are not receiving adequate attention when the air conditioning breaks or when the shower head is broken. I thought one highlight of the Bush administration was to fund a higher education: instead the government is really putting a burden on us because of their war expenses. Looks like somebody was lying. Which candidate out there will address the issue of rising college costs, and if so, at what price must I vote for them?

I am an engineer, and I should have no problem paying back my loans, however because of rising college costs I expect more from the government and from Penn State. The government is failing to do its job by not funding grants (they stopped the College of Engineering's grants) and not focusing on a higher education for their citizens. Penn State is doing the best it can, and so far I like receiving the education that I am receiving.

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