February 1, 2007

Revisiting Boohoo Moneybags

Sheesh, I am getting lazy with posting. Sorry folks, your old pal XYZPDQ has been REAL busy in the real world with Physics (especially) Calculus Engineering and a Term Paper.... ouch. Long overdue for some posting.

Revisiting the boohoo moneybags post, I was p!ssed off for not getting my Nintendo Wii and I was frustrated. Well its about 3 months since I posted that post. Guess what? Your chances are STILL slim to none for finding a Nintendo Wii or Playstation 3. Nintendo has been cracking on this by introducing more games while the PS3 forcast is not looking very good right now. Xbox is doing swell, and the recent release of Windows Vista (horrible) has taken minds of of gaming consoles- if only for a little while.

Keep getting dates to hunt down that Nintendo Wii! Persistance will pay off in the long run. See my past tips to see if they can help you out.


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