February 5, 2007

Dunes Manor Hotel: Ocean City

Im thinking about the beach in -18 degree weather heh ^_^

Last year I took a trip to Ocean City Md. We stayed at the Dunes Manor hotel, located (I think) on 35th street in Ocean City, Maryland. Ocean City is a big tourist destination for lots of people during the summer, and especially this summer- Senior Beach Week. If you are looking at going to the Dunes Manor for a stay, allow me to provide some input.

The hotel is Victorian, definatly. As you walk in the ceiling is high and there are two stairwells up to the next floor with a genuine Victorian piano and the main desk. We stayed on the 4th floor, but I have a thing where I love to be on the top floor of the building, as high as I can go to see the farthest I can. We stayed in a double room, I think it was a normal sized one it may have been a Queen. The room is victorian, but its more sandy/beachy in a way. Clear gloss/glass tables, a kitchen, TV and an old cable box (I LOVE the older cable boxes). The carpet is well kept and the rooms are very clean. I would recommend NOT sleeping on the cots they bring in; the cots are fine and I can sleep on them, but they are not the best things. If you're into the sort of detail, the maids are a mix of foreign/local, 50/50. There are local maids that can talk to you and give you good information.

There are only two elevators, but the time isnt bad. It can get kind of packed if you are sharing an elevator with a group moving in. The hallways are all exactly the same. If I were to go on the 3rd floor and see a soda/ice machine, one is directly above and below it in the near exact place. They are all very pretty, and there are mirrors and comfortable chairs by the elevator. I don't know if this is me, but hotels like this always smell nice and fresh. I don't know why, but its different and very comfortable.

You can literally walk off of the deck onto the beach. There are rocking chairs on the main deck and you can fall asleep very easily. There are signs posted not to feed the gulls though, so if one does drop a bomb on you complain about peeps upstairs feeding gulls. Nightly there will be someone playing the Victorian piano, usually a lady (I am not sure of her name). People do sing a long and have a good time, but this is for the older crowd. There is a small gift shop selling cameras, batteries, tylenol etc, and porcelin clowns. I HATE CLOWNS. If you go down past the bar torwards the pool, you will see that the walls have a lot of pictures of the hotel and Ocean City in the 1900s, the old old old days. Feel free to ask anyone who has been working here about the history of the hotel =).

Now the all important topic: the bathrooms. Bathrooms and maid service I think comes in twice a day to clean up and make the place nice and spiffy. The restroom for all guests is by the pool past the bar, and let me tell you the bathroom is the 2nd best bathroom I've ever been in (YES I count). Clean bathroom, plenty of soap, sinks are great, its like an actual outdoor shack type of bathroom. Ventilation is good and the toilet paper is quality, so don't worry about them going cheap on you. Again, great bathrooms.

They have a "gourmet" restaurant that has great prices and good food. I had breakfast lunch and dinner there over my 5 day stay. Their pancakes are pretty good, and their hashbrowns (home fries) ROCK. Bacon is delicious. One night for dinner I had Mozerella Sticks there and they were ok. There burgers are pretty good as well. I like it well done and the burger was indeed pretty good. Eatable of course and good but not the best I have ever had.

We have been here before when I was 4 or 5 so my family are frequent customers. The prices are pretty good I hear but GET THOSE RESERVATIONS IN BEFORE SENIOR BEACH WEEK. The entire point of this post was to warn of that. Once senior beach week hits, there goes reservation across the city. Have fun! Ill update this post with more information when I remember it =) The Dunes Manor hotel is a great place to stay.

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