August 25, 2008

Back In Again- Reporting from Penn State

As I thought, University Park has not turned my internet on yet so I am forced to remote post (I carry the word document on my flash drive and do the classic copy/paste into blogger) until I can get internet access back in my room (via ethernet).

Things are going alright for the time being. I like my suitemates; they are very considerate and are rational like myself. They are freshman though- which is fine- I applaud their sincerity and I wish every other student here would follow their example. My roommate is cool too- though I have not seen much of him lately. He was not back in the room last night so I am a little worried about him.

I have managed to get Cable TV working and thanks to my mother I have a small 13 inch TV hooked up in my dorm room- she gets the job done. I put out my Mighty Muggs (recently got Jango Fett and General Grievous) and my Tallgeese III as well. I was an idiot and locked my keys in my cupboard today- thankfully housing had a pair of bolt cutters (it makes me cringe that these "high quality" padlocks are snipped in a second).

I am thrilled to be back on campus and to continue my research. I am looking forward to diving into Penn State's databases, but unfortunately my article writing takes a back seat to classwork and freetime. In short, I need to do my Physics homework before writing articles about things that interest me- that will probably be a thing I can do on the weekends.

In physics we are covering waveforms (easy) and in Strength of Materials we are starting axial loads and analysis of internal forces on a member/body. In Product Design (quickly becoming my favorite) we are learning machining processes and in a few weeks welding (I can't wait). Processes including using a milling machine, lathe and grinder- basically stuff that can remove fingers. My education from high school (3 years woodworking and a year of manufacturing techniques) helped to establish an overall foundation in machine safety- don't be stupid.

Not suprisingly almost every face in all of my classes are ones I have seen before at some point. As EMETs and METs move on with their education, classes become smaller and topics are more thorougly discussed. It's good to eat at the cafeteria again and it is amusing to watch the nervous freshman. I am so happy to be back on campus and I can't even begin to ponder going home again for Thanksgiving and Christmas.

Another Modeler's Merkava Tank. I would love to give mine a flat coat of desert sand and then weather it with my pastels- I have the right ones for the job.

I would love to do this camo job on my M113- Personally the Browner shade is too vibrant here, but does the job, though.

*Sighs* I have picked up a few more models to add to my evergrowing stash (CURSE SALES!). I bought an M113 Personnel Carrier today at HobbyTown USA (Vietnam era armor) and the other day at Trains and Lanes I picked up the Israeli Merkava and the M4 Sherman "Jumbo". All were on sale. The Israeli Markava should be a fun and easy build (albeit time consuming) and so should the Sherman- but I want to do a camo job with the M113. I just bought a Pegasus ME-262 Messerschmitt too! *sighs* looks like thats getting pushed back, too. I will also be making progess on the Enterprise when I can get the time in.

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