August 26, 2008

Solidworks 2008

Solidworks 2008- new at Penn State Berks.

Doing some basic commands in Solidworks.

All the buttons are now condensed and easier to find. Takes some getting used to, though.

This morning was enjoyable in that Penn State has updated their Solidworks program to the 2008 version. I got the privilege of using it this morning and I wanted to post about it. Solidworks is a CAD program (Computer Aided Design Program) where one can create parts, bodies, etc. I have created things from doggy doors to workbenches to television sets.

This edition of Solidworks is a lot cleaner, is sharper looking, and the buttons are easier to find. The edit sketch or edit feature button can be selected right away from a window menu above a said section in the command manager. Even nicer- they cleaned up appearances/textures/colors of parts- they are all now in one button, which brings up another small window. Click on the box you want- color the body, a face, etc and it will do all the work for you.

Initially I didn’t like this new edition because I am used to Solidworks 2007, but after giving it an hour I like the new edition (I still need to find out where things are!). I am taking the EGT 201 course at Penn State, or Advanced Spatial Analysis. Now we are given something and are told to put it into Solidworks.

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