June 19, 2011

RX-78-G05 Head Work

Ok... now comes a very difficult part of any Gundam model- building the head. The head features about a half a dozen pieces. The problem will be assembling the head then removing the seam line. It's easier said than done- I have to mask the face off during the process because I can't just paint the two head halves and then join them. We need to work on that seam as much as possible.

I sprayed a thin coat of paint on that section of the tree as a primer. It has had 5 days to dry- and it should be OK to handle. I'll clean the parts off the sprue, get the head all worked out, then I will see what I can do about masking off the eyes. If I mess up this part of the gundam, I can't fix it without ordering another kit. Wish me luck.

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