The other day I had an interesting idea. I have been alive for a long time now. If I were to pee an average of 24 ounces a day, how much have I (approximately) urinated in my lifetime? spare me the taboo nature of the subject: I am mathematically interested in this question. I came up with the following math:
Assuming regular bladder control by the age of 6, I have been alive 5,844 days. Add 91 days since my last birthday, and we have a grand total of 5,935 days.
If I peed 24 ounces a day, that assumes that I peed (5935)*(24)= a total of 142,440 ounces. If we convert to metric, in my lifetime, not counting before age 6, I have peed 4,212 liters of liquid, or enough to fill 1,113 gallon jugs.
It takes 2,500,000 liters to fill an olympic sized swimming pool. If I peed 4,212 liters of liquid in my lifetime, I filled approximately 0.168% of the pool. It would take an additional 594 people to completely fill the swimming pool (with pee!).
Fascinating information. No I am not creepy or obsessed with my urinary system, but 4,212 liters? we need to give our bodies some respect here for the work they do!
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