April 2, 2014

Diablo 3 - Monk - Master Difficulty

The official Diablo 3 forums aren't much help. The biggest problem is that the information is outdated by a year or more. Second- people constantly call each other names and attack each other instead of helping. Third- when most reply to a topic, they don't answer the question or contribute.

I'll write a few articles about what I know and how I am progressing. I am having little trouble in MASTER difficulty with:

300k Damage
4,700,000 Toughness
20,000 Healing

I always wish my healing was a bit higher, but I survive. I tried Torment 1 and got my ass handed to me- so back to Master I go. I have found that Dexterity, combined with crit dmg and crit chance increases have dramatically increased my overall DPS. If you have questions let me know.

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