September 7, 2012

1/144 Yonem Kirks Final

I attempted a wash, but really couldn't get any good results. Perhaps I diluted the paint too much. This will pretty much be it for the kit. I just need to spray a final matte coat and put him on a base.

I am very pleased with this kit, considering it is a High Grade. I believe I may have overdone it a little on the weathering, but it still looks "believable". This  Zaku has been through hell and back in terms of combat, and he no longer looks like the plastic kit on the side of the box.

I have seen better on the internet, but I am very happy with the work I have done. I would recommend this kit to both beginners and experts. Straight out of the box it is still a nice looking kit, but looks a couple of times better [in magnitude] when painted and weathered.

One thing that the wash DID do well was highlight panel lines and other nooks and crannies that needed pop. He's given me little problems, so I will give this kit a thumbs up. Pick it up if it is decently priced (acquired mine for $26 USD, including shipping). For ME personally, this is a two thumbs up, but it requires work to make it look the part.

The Kit took approximately 16 hours to finish over the course of 35 days, at an average of 27 minutes per day. The kit is worth approximately $135 after labor [@$5.89 an hour].

[Review scale: double thumbs down, thumbs down, neutral, thumbs up, double thumbs up].

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