July 12, 2011

RX-78-G05 Final Assembly: Touch Up Work Complete (Mostly)

(approx 5400 yen)

I have a lot of parts drying in paint right now. The Light Sea Gray behaved well (from a new can), and the parts look good. I stopped when I had 20% of a can left, noting that I would not have enough paint to finish. I also needed more Panzer Gray. A trip to the local Hobby Store it was! I brought in the G05 to show them and they didn't have too much of an opinion of it- must have been an odd cashier.

When you spray parts individually, sometimes you have over-spray into the paint booth. Modelers like to minimize this by spraying parts on the sprue, cut them out, do your work, then spray over the nip marks. This is faster, but I found when I tried this that some of the parts were scratched. I painted each part individually, and put it a few inches in front of a fan to dry. The fan really helped the paint to settle.

I won't take shortcuts on certain parts. The gatling cannon, the backpack module, and the rear stabilizer module are all too big for the toothpick hangers. I will need to put them on the paint stand and go. I did that with the pelvis too. I would take the pelvis out now and work on it, but I like to give paint 16-24 hours to dry, especially on a well detailed kit like this. When they do dry, I will be able to begin assembling the pelvis and feet. All that will be left are the arms and final accessories. I would give this another 72 hours before I have it complete.

I also need to work on the crotch apparatus... I want this guy hanging in the air as if he is flying... I provided a picture of the Bill of Materials so that you can see what costs are involved. These do not take into account the stain for the base, brass rod, square tubing, etc- which get used multiple times. The BOM also does not include tool costs for nippers, files, etc.

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