November 20, 2010

The World Breaks

Upon the release of Deathwing, the world is breaking; and the races of Azeroth must come up with new abilities to set things right! With the release of Worldbreaker (block 5) for the World of Warcraft TCG, we were shocked (and surprised! in a good way!) to see that R&D is working on fixes to the rules of the card game, and a few new play elements (revealed and secret) are coming with Worldbreaker. Let's get a low down on all of the confirmed "new" elements we can all be excited about:

* Rules for striking with a weapon are changing, so that if a weapon is destroyed before the damage step, the ATK value it adds to your hero is negated.

* Abilities will no longer fall off of totems.

* Totem cards from now on will have the typeline "Ability Ally" All totems, whether new or old, count as an ally as well on the field. Only new totems from this block on count as an ally in all other zones. If you were to search for an ally card, you can look for a "new" totem, but not an old one. The totem card frame has also been redesigned.

* All card frames have been redesigned and look cleaner, simpler, and cooler. Fire emblazens every frame because of the destruction Deathwing has brought!

* Worgen and Goblins have been introduced. Worgen have the racial "abberation" and goblins "time is money".

* Abberation reads "prevent all non-combat damage that would be dealt to this ally". Oh crap, control decks have a new problem.

* Hero design reflects race/class combinations coming out in World of Warcraft: cataclysm. An ally card that was a tauren paladin was revealed, a troll druid, and a tauren priest.

* Arena Grand Melee style flip effects (as seen initially on Kauno Stonehoof) are now becoming staple with this booster set, possibly the block.

* This set is introducing the red dragonflight and the green dragonflight. It is speculated (and partially confirmed) that Alexstrasza and Ysera may become hero cards.
* Time is Money reads "This ally can use "exhaust powers" immediately.

So many new deck building opportunities await- pick up this set when it releases in mid-December! Expect sneak peak coverage daily!

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