July 25, 2010

A Few Clarifications

This post is in response to the story of a dude getting stabbed with a pen at comic-con. On CNN.com, people posted about "nerd rage" and other dumb comments. In a satirical, but somewhat serious way, it is time to explain the difference between a GEEK and a NERD.

There is nothing wrong with being a geek or a nerd. Nerds are known to make good money in their field of choice (be it chemistry, biology, physics, engineering, math). A nerd also has some degree of trouble in social situations, and may feel uncomfortable doing some things. A nerd will never have a problem discussing their field of interest. Also, some nerds are known to study a completely impractical, or more commonly, "unusual" topic such as astrophysics, quantum mechanics, or perhaps a species of animal.

More socially integrated nerds, like myself, can handle day to day social situations understanding common societal rituals. In english, I know what people expect, I can empathize with others to a degree, and I can handle meeting new people. I CANNOT handle parties which have complete strangers, or almost any kind of party. Work related? sure. BBQ with the neighbors? sure. Party at the bar with a lot of scantily clad women? nice try, but no thanks.

A geek is a socially adept person (no social interaction problems) who likes technology or some field having to do with it. They can be booksmart, but are generally of average intelligence, apart from their knowledge of gadgets and other technology. To better describe geeks, they enjoy "niche" hobbies. Nerds can too: but Geeks more-so. Comic books, anime, manga, action figure collecting, VIDEO GAMES, electronic media, COMPUTERS.

Difference is...?
A NERD may accidentally slip jargon that may not make sense to you.
A GEEK is generally not as intelligent as a nerd.
A GEEK is generally a little more goofy, but not in all cases.
A NERD will be uncomfortable (not in all cases) with extended social interaction.

BOTH can overlap in many areas.

I come around as an interesting NERD- one who is interested in intellectual pursuits, but also technology and some niche areas. My interests include anything usually on the science channel (that should be an indicator) and cosmology. I have social skills, but some awkward social situations may put stress on me. Pedal to the medal, I get my work done. Love your nerds and geeks- or leave them alone. I guarantee that there will be both at the convention- but learn to distinguish between the two; there is a huge difference.

I also do not wear white shirts, I dislike ties, and I don't use a pocket protector!

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