August 22, 2009

World of Warcraft

Cataclysm: 64% Poor (I am a bit apprehensive about it, but the score isn't final)
Wrath of the Lich King: 84% Great
The Burning Crusade: 82%- Good

World of Warcraft: 91%- Superior

The old tale of Orcs vs. Humans. Many gamers know of its existence, and yet many more played the game when it was released in 2004. World of Warcraft, before its first expansion, the Burning Crusade, introduced a radically different concept in MMO structure. Blizzard ironed out the classes into nine different classes, each surprisingly balanced. Warcraft featured questing and the whole grinding bit, but it shined with end game content such as raiding. In 40 man dungeons, coordination and gear was the key: Dungeons were hard, rewards were earned after hours of dedication and the MMO world was rocked as a result. Games like Star Wars Galaxies (SOE) felt compelled to shape up to Blizzard standard, and in the process killed an entire MMORPG.

The original game had its down points, such as walking around until level 40 (of 60) for a mount and the sheer difficulty of some raids and quests. The game was bound for an expansion of lore, and Blizzard found instant success, taking 75% of the MMORPG market. The game was fun; the game was addicting; and for many gamers, this was their first MMO.

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