August 6, 2007

Pitsco Releases TSA 2007 Results

All I have to say is engineers have taken a backslide! The fastest time for high school dragsters this year was 1.152 seconds. At least 4 of us (including myself) in my former Engineering III class can beat that score by a mile (no pun intended). Some of the car designs are staple, such as the 1st place car in the 2007 finals. The 2nd place contestant featured grooves in the rear of their car; something the 1st place winner in our Engineering class did, but to a greater effect.

The rest of the cars appear to be mediocre in shape, appearance and performance (Cars 3,4,7,9,10,12,13,15, and 16 are all mediocre or subpar). I'm not sure what the judges were drugged on, but these cars shouldn't even be near finalist material.

Finalist #14- Pink Panther

Out of the bunch, car #14 is my favorite. Although it is a staple design, the constriction is well done, sanding is well done, top coat is well done, and the paints well done (but not to my liking, I would have painted it another color). Im not sure why the surface drag was 18 grams, but it seems like a lot of these kids did not use proper lubricant, did not assemble the wheels in a free-flowing manner, or just didn't design the cars right. It's a TSA National event; I highly doubt the cartridges or track were to blame.

So what happened peeps? My two champion cars would have fully blown you off the track! (Revenge of Firebird- 1.043 Rage of Firebird- 1.072). I'm slightly disappointed in the results this year, and I hope Engineers next year will come out with 16 awesome cars.

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