February 2, 2009

Feral Druids- WOW TCG


Feral is a talent of druid that I have come to appreciate both in the WOW card game and the online game. Druids may choose feral abilities to pop into either cat form or bear form in the card game. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages. Bear form gives you huge tanking power while cat form allows you to remove your hero from combat.

About Feral Druids
Feral druids can only have out one form at a time, but are free to switch between forms with Master Instincts if that ability is desired. To imitate the “rage” factor in game one may play multiple cards that deal small packets of damage over time such as swipe or lacerate. Unfortunately, since you do not want to break out of a feral form, it will be difficult to heal with druid heals. This is where Blood Knight Kyria comes in for Horde allies, and many alliance allies such as Katarina Clark can help as well.

Horde Feral Druids
Taurens can amount to a pretty nasty feral druid deck. There are plenty of tauren protectors out there like Guardian Steelhorn and Darbun Steppeheart with the versatlility of a little control with Blood Elf cards such as Shadala and the multi-purpose Blood Knight Kyria. The versatility of horde feral druid is that you can focus on more board control (Himul Longstrider) or more control in general, allowing the deck to be customized to your tastes. One can also experiment with low cost allies and protectors that, when readied add to your draw power. Universal quests such as Information Gathering can help fueling, and Poison Water has great application as you recycle all of your used forms back into your deck.

Alliance Feral Druids-Not experimented with yet-.

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