July 15, 2008

Nintendo Press Conferences at E3- Disappointing

After reading about Nintendo's Press Conference at E3, I have to say that I am very disappointed with the now apparant "direction" Nintendo wants to take with the Wii. The system is selling well, and naturally any company would want to capitalize on that. Unfortunately Wii has put many game publishers in an awkward position- They are avoiding developing games for the Wii despite it's crazy success.

For the Otaku or hardcore gamer, this is all bad news. The last major title that was released was Super Smash Bros Brawl, and Nintendo has not hinted on any future releases other than games aimed to capture the casual gaming crowd. I am in said crowd from time to time and even I am not happy. I am also confused about the WiiPlus periphial. I also keep hearing about more add-ons, more... more... more. Unless games require this feature, I won't buy it. If they do require this feature, then Nintendo has overstepped its boundary and I will be cautious of the move.

Things wern't very cool in the Microsoft side either- their new dashboard design closely mimicks Nintendo's Mii System. I have not read on what Sony has offered.

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