July 4, 2008

I get my Hot Chocolate and the Funnies!

July 4th- a time where over 200 years ago this country declared it's independence from England. Although July 4th is a time for BBQs and Fireworks, I took the time during the show to reflect on the struggle waged to bring this country to shape and what it meant for me as an American. I am proud of our history and heritage, and launching fireworks is the way to go.

Unfortunately a neighbor did not have that idea. The police were called and as fireworks were going off around us, a lot in the immediate area then stopped because one person had a fit with us, came over and complained. So the fireworks show, 10 minutes in was shut down because of a politically correct moron. So what did we do? We planned to send mail to him sending him our thanks, then someone suggested we go elsewhere! Someone volunteered some property and off we went. We loaded some of the fireworks into the bed of my truck and elsewhere. We had a good drive, but the length was worth it.

We fired off the fireworks listening to country music, drinking our drinks of choice (adults- beer, kids- soda) and sitting among farming equipment. I sat on the patio area for half the show and the neighbor's dog came to visit and sat in my lap as the fireworks went off. When it went away I went to sit on a tractor nearby and I reflected with myself on the meaning of this day. There is no other way to launch fireworks; launching them on remote property was even better, and was absoloutely 110% American. Happy birthday America; there are those of us out there who will spend another year making sure there is a next July 4th.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was doing the usual BBQ thing as well, and heard the fireworks popping around 9pm, was great :)

But secretive -,-