September 14, 2007

F-117A Nighthawk still has some use!

But due to to the capacity of the B-2 Stealth Bomber and the condensing of JDAMS and laser guided bombs, the F-117a Nighthawk is due for retirement around 2008. Two 2,000 pound JDAMs may seem like little ordinance, however the Nighthawk was designed to go behind enemy lines, avoid radar detection and knock out crucial/key targets. Now that JDAMs are being developed as 500 pound "smart" bombs, these bombs have the power to take out their targets and cause little surrounding damage (sounds like a great tank buster). You can probably fit a rotation of 8-12 smaller 500lb JDAMS on a F-117 but ultimatly it's retirement will be a match of maintinence costs of the F-117 versus the B-2 Bomber, which in effect will perform the same tasks, albeit slower but with a larger load.

To commemorate the service of such a fine aircraft and to celebrate the recent Nighthawk sighting, I decided to pick up a model kit of the plane made by Revell Monogram. Very nice kit, cheap price and the kit, when opened is HUGE. There is a lot of detail and precision, something I come to expect from top companies. I should have this model done by the weekend's end due to the kit not requiring any paint, just glue and assembly. Can't wait until it's done! It should be a sight to see.

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