September 20, 2007

Blog History and Breakdown

Alright looking at the breakdown of posts, it seems we have a few winners in terms of post popularity.

Anime (44)
Engineering (47)
CO2 Cars (33)
Gundam (18)
Nintendo Wii (32)
Funny Videos (22)
The Other Stuff (174)

all of these contribute to about 53% of my posts (save "the other stuff"). My question to the people that read my blog is, what would you like to see more of? I'm just interested in what other peeps have to say, I know what I want to do but any feedback is appreciated. Personally I want to bring more Wii Coverage, but also cover engineering posts and definetly post more anime. I've been to busy at the moment to look at the Gundam Universe, but I can pry in and have a look if the populous wants me to post about Gundam.

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