September 29, 2007

Anime Review: Blood+

I havn't gone and reviewed any anime in a long time so I think it is about time I gave it a shot again. I just finished watching Blood+ and while it was a great anime, it leaves a lot to be desired and could have done better in a few scenes. So let's break it down shall we...

Basic, non spoiler line
Saya Otanashi is a girl adopted by George who has also adopted two boys, Riku and Kai. They all live together in Okinawa, Japan outside of the United States Air Base there. As the story progresses, new and mysterious people show up as Saya begins to learn about her real past. Her chevalier Hagi shows up and protects her where they go. Saya is reluctant to fight but has forgotten what she had done a long time ago. Chiroptera are a breed of beings that resemble monsters: they feed on human blood.

Saya learns that only her blood can kill the Chiroptera, and that Diva has something to do with the outbreak of Chiroptera. Just who are her chevaliers, and what plans do they have with the chiroptera? Why is the US Military bombing research sites? To cover something up? As Saya learns about her past, she will discover that she isn't exactly normal, and that everyone had been keeping this information from her. This gets interesting, just what does Saya vow to do about the problem, and how, if they can, will chiroptera co-exist with humans? Just what the heck is "the zoo" and what happened there? Watch the anime to find out. There are 50 episodes with most of what I consider "filler" in the beginning. You get introduced to Saya, but the story gets much more interesting down the road. There are 50 episodes, plenty to watch for your enjoyment.

I won't spoil anything past what I did, but I felt that the ending was not complete and left a lot of unanswered questions, I assume leaving you to decide what happened. It was a great story and it was presented in a fresh new way; but I felt that there was a lack of suspense, maybe that would have changed if I was viewing the anime on the big screen with surround sound. The english dub was done well, and I actually prefer either the original Japanese audio track or the dub. I just wish they would call the enemy chiroptera, not chiropterins! The anime gets good at episode 4-5, but really takes off around episode 20.

Cool monster killing with a lot of thought in the process of life, hapiness etc. Lots of blood in this one and I enjoyed the anime. Sadly, I am a bit disappointed that I cannot find the series on DVD yet. You can, however buy the movie "blood- the last vampire" which is the original story, this anime is actually a franchised story that I have heard is slightly different from the movie. I heard both were good, and I look forward to watching the movie when I can get my hands on it. Nothing ground breaking with Blood+ other than the presentation, this anime does nothing too new but definetly has it's great momnts. Great anime, but not "wow 0_0" stuff.

1 comment:

Kizzy said...

You can get the entire series of blood+ on e-bay for around 17GPB (Not sure about postage and packing to your area)
Also the movie may be good but it's not really like the anime at all and is much better if you see it without having seen the anime first. Blood+ gives a notably different backstory to that provided by Blood the Last Vampire.