August 31, 2007

Ecoli 0157:H7 Springing Back into Action

For my first year seminar I had to read Fast Food Nation, a book written by Eric Schlosser. The book describes the practices of the Fast Food Industry and Meat Packing Industry, but also brings up the epidemic regarding tainted hamburger meat. Ecoli 0157:H7 has been hunted down over the past century (2000) but has not been aggressivly tailed. Ecoli H7 (herein) is a dangerous bacterium that can kill humans. I suspected that the goverment was not doing their job and Fast Food Nation confirmed my suspiscions. Ecoli H7 was recently discovered in a batch sold nation-wide as ground beef and only the grocery stores came forward to warn of an Ecoli case, yet the USDA has no power to perform recalls, but puts THEIR LABEL on the tainted beef. Hell, they can't even test it, that is up to the factories, if they choose to.

So yeah, take a look at this website for more information to see if you may have picked up tainted meat. I don't eat fast food anymore (partly due to the book, then wanting to lose weight). I don't trust the government, and certainly won't anytime soon until they start protecting it's citizens against disease in the United States.

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