Both our cats really don't get along: well I should say the Calico does not get along with the other tabby. Calicos are known for "nasty" attitues and spur of the moment hissy fits. They have their moments though, sleeping together or near each other, or as I walk in the door, each day one cat will chase the other, and wrestle.
Various holiday decorations my mom has around the house. She is very big on Christmas and goes all out to make Christmas a perfect atmosphere. Well done mom!
Classic. They were both actually kissing each other willingly. What's funny is my sister looks like a chimpanzee. Dapper is known to get up in my seat as I am trying to sit down, and is quite vocal when he wants something. Great cat, he likes to play and sometimes when I wake up in the morning, I find it hard to breathe in a relaxed state because he is on my stomach and chest! Up... Down... Up... Down... Purr.
I got some nice stuff for Christmas! A new truck radio, an aswesome study Bible, some Penn State apparrel, a new Digital Camera (took pics with it, its not a bad camera) and some drafting supplies. All in all a good Christmas, and I look forward to next year; because its a big one.
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