November 19, 2009

2012 "Apocalypse" is Bunk

This is a great article to read. A few key highlights:

  • The galaxy and the sun will not align exactly in 2012, as proposed by the movie.
  • Mayans were extremely good astronomers, and very good worshippers, however at the end of the 5000 some year cycle, they expected nothing of the end of the loop. If you heard otherwise, it is not fact.
  • The world is more likely to end by a rogue asteroid, nuclear war, or catastrophic national disasters (earthquakes and Mt. St. Helens blowing)
  • To my knowledge, neutrino is radioactive decay, NOT something that affects the Earth's poles.
  • If a planet were to collide into earth, it would be approaching us, and be CLEARLY visible.
  • Hollywood is manipulating you and instilling fear to make money.
  • At the same time, Nostradamus is also bunk. Superstitions were much more rampant in ancient times, and none of them were really true. Superstitions play on people's fears, and fear is pervasive throughout the World.

1 comment:

hirobot said...

Good thing I haven't blown all my cash or quit my job!