January 11, 2007

The Flatulator: Moderate Sucess

We tested the fire machines today: and to my suprise not many people could keep either consistency with their fire traps, or actually landing a hit. Actually many people landed a hit, but the goal is consistency, which is what we did not have. I was able to land one hit with the Flatulator, but it did not count because the balloon left pieces. Consequent tries landed results, but the machine either knocked the candle over or out of the box.

The design was simple and it would work: but the thing.... *scratches head* just didn't want to work. Nothing could really hold the tension of the spring on the mousetrap except rubber bands, and even those snapped after a few uses. Another problem was that the thread was not rolled in an organized manner, causing it to either not go, or the mouse trap to unwin half way.

I am still very proud of my design. I was disappointed, but the Flatulator DID put out the birthday candle at least once. Also, you can't blame us when many of us have never done something like this before. I am proud of my design, I am proud of my vehicle. Engineers were never bread to be perfectionists: but we learn a lot from failure.

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