September 10, 2012

Borderlands 2 Siren Builds- Immolating Puke Cannon

I figured since I will be playing siren that I will take a look and see exactly how I want to build and play the class. Granted, I have not played the game yet, and it may take some in game experience before I decide what is exactly handy and what isn't.

The Immolating Puke Cannon [IPC]
I am going to dub this build the immolating puke cannon. So far, I really, REALLY like the synergy going on between the three specs in the Siren skill tree. I was immediately drawn to catalyst and began putting points there. I put four in [Flicker] and three in [Foresight], but during the leveling process, I would only put enough points in to get to the next row down, which is five skill points. Next I put three points in [Immolate] and four in [Helios]. [Cloud Kill] looks fun, so I put a point there and two points in [Chain Reaction]. I put three into [Reaper], five into [Blight Phoenix], and one into [Ruin].

The idea behind this build is to enhance the Siren's damage with elemental weapons while splooging out fire and acid with phaselocks and immolate when you go down. Reaper is a really nice skill that I think will come in handy on big, armored bosses (if there are any) and, combined with the AOE effect of Blight Phoenix. To fully utilize the build here so far to its maximum potential, the Siren will need to be close to her target for [Blight Phoenix] to kick in, however I believe a good strategy will be to phase lock, which will trigger [Ruin] and work in tandem with [Helios], [Chain Reaction], and [Flicker]. In short, nothing short of an ultimate splooge fest of elemental damage. Well done Gearbox, well f(*&^%g done.

Now that Cataclysm is taken care of, we can choose to put points in Motion or Harmony. Looking at [Converge] in the motion tree, it is possible to select it, and I hope, augment the phase lock further by pulling in enemies closer so that the damage is more centralized. [Sub sequence] gives your phase lock the chance that if an enemy dies within the lock, it may go to another target. I am not sure if the lock will actually go to another target after the area is coated in goo and fire, but it is not possible to get to it with this build.

With the math the way it is, we can only get to the third tier down from either the Motion or Harmony trees with this build. If you want to be able to heal friends, go the route of Harmony. Otherwise, Motion will be where it's at for this build. I put three points in [Ward], then two points in [Accelerate]. At this point, you need to decide between five points in [Suspension] and/or [Kinetic Reflection]. I am inclined at first to try five points in [Suspension] to increase the duration of the phase lock and our augments.

The way I see it, put a point in [Converge], three in [Inertia] and one in [Kinetic Reflection]. That will give you four points to put in [Quicken], which will quicken the recharge rate, and that's the build. I can't wait to try it.

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