December 8, 2008

Allegations Blown Out Of Proportion

12/21/08- The cause of the accident was due to an engine malfunction. Fox was wrong to produce false allegations against the military that their pilots are inexperienced.

Well leave it to Fox NEWS for blowing things completely out of proportion. This is military related so I wanted to post it- an F18 pilot coming out of Myramar (approaching to set up a landing run) had to punch out over a populated neighborhood, destroying 2-3 houses and a couple of cars. He punched out approximatly 2 miles from the airfield. Those emergency personell from the area have not found the black box. The pilot punched out safely before crashing, and unfortunately the crash killed two innocents on the ground when the jet hit.

Already, Fox is calling the incident "irresponsible" of the pilot without even knowing the full facts, an example of poor journalism that the masses follow without question. There could have been a maintenance malfunction- or perhaps instrumentation broke down or the engine failed- F18 Hornets are very complicated pieces of machinery that could have an infinite amount of problems with them. People can simply say "oh, its your job to check that stuff" and it is, however a machine as complicated as a fighter jet is prone to problems. Be thankful that the aircraft was NOT carrying ordnance, it seems that the crash site isn't large enough to evidence that.

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