November 23, 2008

Back At It with the World of Warcraft TCG

Who would have known that Thanksgiving break could be so.... boring. Its not even Monday and I am already bored out of my mind without some of my gaming buddies. People were reluctant in the group to play World of Warcraft (TCG) when we had Magic the Gathering and Yu-Gi-Oh!, but there are a few inherent problems with both card games when World of Warcraft is brand new out of the bunch.

Yu-Gi-Oh! is a fantastic card game. Strategy is everywhere, games are fun and deckbuilding can be a challenge. There are a few inherent problems with the game, however. Some cards are impossibly hard to get or they are way over priced. I am selling my Dark Armed Dragon I pulled on Ebay simply because tournament players will pay $100+ for it. Some Lightsworn, Gladiator Beast and Teleportation decks can run you up to $500 USD plus, which is ridiculous for the average joe who wants a good deck at an affordable price.

About Yu-Gi-Oh! and Magic the Gathering

Although gameplay evolves with Yu-Gi-Oh! (the synchro monsters) there are so many types and attributes that it is inevitable that a class is neglected. Warriors havn't seen a boost since Legacy of Darkness, and I run an effective Command Knight deck. To search for the cards you need means buying singles or going back to booster packs which are out of print- both big hassles unless you are buying up collections, which is a money sink. Magic the Gathering is a fantastic game , but over time it grows stale. WOW TCG adopts many rules from MTG and evolves them.

About World of Warcraft (TCG)

Hype may be up for the card game this holiday season due in thanks to the release of the expansion "Wrath of the Lich King" for the actual World of Warcraft MMORPG. The card game just recently had the Drums of War set released and I have been digging my mince pies into it to see what the set contains.

From other sources and my own, it seems I have gotten a lot of good Druid cards, Tauren cards (I can finally finish that Bulkas Wildhorn deck), and especially great Rogue cards. I don't have enough of then yet but Vengeful Gladiator's Vestments is a killer along with Tinker Bixy Blues and Crown of the Earths that I run in my deck. My rogue deck focuses as a control deck along with an overwhelming force of cheap, effective elusive allies such as Priestess Katianna and Bubula del Kissel (with Bubula, if my Hero is ready to strike with weapons it will not be a pretty sight).

In short, I am not providing my opponent with many choices, especially if he gets a bad hand. I have a Paladin deck, but the only way it will be effective against my Rogue is if it can get out its weapons early and do some cheap damage along with some cheap protectors. Stealth, in this situation can be a ...... Mage would probably be an issue with all the arcane effects that can be fired off- I am building an undead mage right now that focuses on fire damage and direct damage.

Some of the most fun playing the WOW TCG is versus raid decks. I had friends play against Illidan (The Betrayer) and it can be very challenging. The first time I played the deck without knowing how to work it properly and they got to the Illidari Council before I killed them. The second time they got to the Betrayer and I killed them- stategically this was a fun game, I went after the Paladin that could heal himself, then the priest (healer), the warrior, the hunter and then the warlock. I think their weakness was that they didn't have enough cards to heal themselves, and not enough hand control to get rid of one of my abilities that forbade healing. The third time they got to the 4th boss and I turned them all into ghosts (and won).

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