May 25, 2008

Boating/Shipping Outlet

It can be tough to find a park that will allow model boat and ship owners an outlet for their hobby. Many parks cite that nitro boats and brushless motor electrics create too much noise and can be heard a couple fractions of a mile away. This is unfortunate for ship enthusiasts like myself who are running clean electrics (6v) only that can only achieve about 5mph. I really like these 130+ mph boats, but I hate how they can get us into trouble.

Areas around the Eastern PA such as Lake Ouantelanee (spelling?) are watershed habitats, and they have a zero tolerance policy when it comes to any human interference at all- go fishing and you will get a ticket. Go boating and you will get a ticket. Drive around your model boat? get a ticket. How can nature be enjoyed by good minded citizens if we arn't allowed to set foot in the area?

Blue Marsh Lake (not too far from Berks Campus) doesn't care what you run, and because of their generosity I tend to obey all rules and requests by the owners of the park. I was able to head down to Monocacy Creek earlier today (at the corner of PA 191 and Brodhead road) and saw fishermen upstream, but downstream there were no fish to catch- and I thought this small stream is perfect for my driving my model boats around. The geese are usually 100 yards from me as well as the fishermen. Of course if one is nearby I will ask their permission first- I won't go there to spoil their catch. If no one is there though- I am going to enjoy a good hour break sailing my Yamato, Missouri and the Enterprise in the future.

I understand that using a body of water for my hobby is a privilidge, and I abide by all the rules (minimize noise, don't bother fisherman, don't litter) so I can enjoy my hobby and so that others can enjoy the area as well. It's a smaller creek then I would like, but it IS better than nothing.

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