November 6, 2007

The Next Step: Static to RC

My roomate and I are now seriously progressing our RC Yamato project. What was once an iffy adventure has become a certain one. I went out and purchased a RC truck for around $25.00 USD. I was expecting the thing to be a piece of crap when in turn it contained all of the parts we needed. Not only did it contain the parts we needed, they were engineered into one complete system. The steering was connected to the motor via a "plug", so that if we needed to replace parts we could just get a new motor and plugger in. The battery is a NICd 6 volt, so the voltage source is the same as what the manufacturer (Tamiya) recommends, however we have made it rechargeable and portable. The motor is very small but very powerful, I was suprised how much torque we could get out of the little sucker. We need to scratchbuild a few pieces, however it looks like that this job is going to happen. We are going to begin installation this afternoon and I will post on the progress.

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