May 4, 2023

Blog Update: May 2023

 It's been so long since I have made a post that the last registered one was in 2017. So... six years ago? yikes. Even the post interface looks different. The title of the blog is still true. I am still a guy with not enough time on his hands. Growing up is INDEED a trap kids- you get more money sure, but you also get less time.

A lot has changed. Some things have not changed, as explained above. I have a stable career, a bibliophile habit and I still play video games, but not as much as I used to binge ten or twenty years ago. What gave me the idea to make a post was a book review. I have the script for a book review in place and wished to place it on youtube. The problem is that editing that audio, not to mention writing the script itself, is very time consuming. I simply don't have the time to do it, but I still have that desire to do it. 

I also feel that I can reach a wider audience through blogging rather than through youtube. Youtube videos, on average pander to a mass audience and have been taken over by corporations and influencers. I suppose those shenannigans started around 2009 or 2010. I am glad I left the blog intact and in hiatus. Blogs may still be monitored and policed I am sure, but youtube has a massive censorship problem for a platform that promotes 'free speech'. It promotes speech of one kind and censors another (opinions). And that is far as I go about anything politics.

No. One more quip. As I get older I have less tolerance for BS. Thus, I have become apolitical in the political arena. It stinks, you can catch a disease and it's a bunch of baboons (a group of baboons is known as a Congress) slinging poo at each other.

Apolitical (adjective): 1) Having no interest in or association with politics. 2) Having no interest or involvement in politics.

Source: The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition.

I could write a book on the subject, but it won't lead anywhere positive. It requires a mass, group effort to change things for the better- and as they say in the south: 'ent none interisted in dat god damn shit'.

I digress. I think I will make videos still, but not to the extent that I used to. I originally went from this blog to youtube, and ironically I now move from youtube back to the blog. Enjoy the posts. I will try to make them worth your time and mine.



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