August 18, 2009

FTC, Federal Government Cracking Down on Bill Collectors

Bill Collectors; if you aren't paying your bills, they will come knocking or calling. If you have nothing to do with owing a debt at all, they will STILL come calling and knocking.

I don't own a capital one account and I don't owe them $4000 some dollars in debt. In fact my name isn't Dana Reeves or Tony Smith. This credit collector works for capital one from the following number (DO NOT CALL IT UNLESS YOU WANT TO BE HARASSED). [888 748 4956]

When a credit company has a client who does not pay the bills; they have a legitimate right to come up with some kind of way to make the client pay their bills. They choose to use collection agencies. I can understand one call from a collection agency during the day, when the agency should say "I apologize, I have the wrong number, please enjoy the rest of your day".

When a collection company calls 12-15 times in four days, at times ranging from 6am to 9pm, that is against standard business practice for one, and two it is grounds for harassment. I ordered a cease and desist from the individuals and the calls have stopped. The FTC has received over 50,000 complaints from US citizens regarding harassing calls from bill collectors. This is a statistically valid number.

In response to the some three different collectors I have received calls from the past two months, I have filed complaints with the BBB (Better Business Bureau) and FTC (federal trade commission). The FTC releases complaint information to federal agents (the FBI) and other police agencies responsible for investigating, charging, and sometimes arresting criminals wishing to gain information.

Enough is enough with the harassing phone calls. One of my practicing beliefs is that I should avoid unnecessary debts. My name is not Dana Reeves. I do not own a capital one account. I have never done business with capital one. Until the harassing calls stop (after the cease and desist order was issued, they did stop calling) I am reporting all information to federal agencies.

America- pay your bills. Collectors- get your database information right. People are always going to cheat the system, and you need more concrete evidence before accusing me of being Tony Smith or Dana Reeves.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

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